零售和客户服务技能 (Retail Business Skills):
12 周全日制学习
Learn how to operate a cash register, improve your communication and problem-solving skills, and enhance your confidence and time management
Get relevant experience in sales, interactive customer service, inventory management, merchandising, loss prevention, workplace safety and more
Earn a Retail Sales Associate certificate from the Retail Council of Canada a major boost to your resume along with a recent reference
12 week Full-time study
报名方式: 在newcircles.ca 上下载报名表填写,将报名表和简历发给adolphina@newcircles.ca 等待通知完成入学测试。
Application: visit newcircles.ca to download the application form. Submit the application with resume to adolphina@newcircles.ca Complete an intake assessment.
For any questions, contact adolphina@newcircles.ca
2. 商务办公技能 (Business Office Skills):
学习微软办公软件: Word, Execel, PowerPoint, Outlook, 以及商务交流,客户服务技能
12 周全日制学习
Learn current Microsoft Office programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, as well as business communication and customer service skills
Improve your keyboarding, presentation and problem-solving skills; enhance your confidence and time management, and gain workplace experience and a recent reference
Earn transferable college credits and a certificate from Centennial College upon successful completion of the program
12 week Full-time study
报名方式: 在newcircles.ca 上下载报名表填写,将报名表和简历发给adolphina@newcircles.ca 等待通知完成入学测试。
Application: visit newcircles.ca to download the application form. Submit the application with resume to adolphina@newcircles.ca Complete an intake assessment.
For any questions, contact adolphina@newcircles.ca
3. 家庭儿童护理员 (Family and Child Support Worker):
需要Level 5 + 英语能力
一年开放两个学期,春季(4月-7月), 秋季(9月-12月)
Loving Homes is an employment readiness program for newcomers looking to step into the Canadian workforce through the community/home support sector. Designed to provide participants with the required basic training and skills for jobs such as Child & Family Support/Child Minders, Extreme Cleaners, Home Support/Homemaking and Declutter Coaches.
Build new skills: Basic Home Management Skills (Home Support/Homemaking), Clutter Management & Janitorial Skills, Child & Family Support, Entrepreneurial Skills
Get hands-on experience in the sector volunteering/core work placement with our community partners
Build up Job Search Skills
Require Level 5 + language skills
Offered twice a year: Spring (April-July) and Fall (September -December)
12 Full-time Study
报名方式: 在newcircles.ca/lovinghomes 上填写报名表,将报名表和简历发给adolphina@newcircles.ca
Application: visit newcircles.ca/lovinghomes to fill the application form. Submit the application with resume to adolphina@newcircles.ca
For any questions, contact adolphina@newcircles.ca
New Circle是一个创新的非营利组织,为新移民和其他低收入人群提供免费的二手服装、职业培训和社交平台。New Circle经营着多伦多最大的免费衣物置换项目GLOW,每年为10,000多人服务。
New Circles is an innovative non-profit organization that offers free gently-used clothing, training, and social connections to newcomers and others living on a low income. New Circles operates Toronto’s largest free clothing program, GLOW (Gently Loved Outfits to Wear), which serves over 10,000 people annually.
161 Bartley Drive Toronto, ON M4A 1E6