Even in a country as multicultural as Canada, racial discrimination is still a problem.
There are existing and worrying issues. Although Canada is considered a country that
accommodates multiculturalism, ethnic minorities still feel challenged when facing racial
discrimination. This kind of discrimination does not only affect adults but also deeply affects the lives of racialized youth. Therefore, the fight against discrimination must start in childhood to cultivate a more inclusive and just society.
On March 15, the Toronto Community & Cultural Centre held a series of "Why am I Special" events, focusing on educating young people about how to start fighting against racial discrimination. This project is funded by the Canadian federal government. These activities are unique and combine creative artwork with anti-discrimination. Aspects of art therapy were used in the design of the activities.
近日, 多伦多社区与文化中心举办了反对种族歧视从青少年做起系列活动之“Why Am I Special”,该项目由加拿大联邦政府资助。这些活动独具特色,将创意艺术作品与反歧视相结合。
The theme of the activity is "Why am I special?" and aims to teach youth that their worth should not be determined by other people's opinions. It is not easy to define but should be derived from their unique characteristics. Such activities help children build a sense of self-worth from an early age as well as helping children understand their own cultural identity and enhance cultural self-confidence. Moreover, these activities are not just for Asian youth but apply to youth of all races and cultural minorities.
This is the case in Canada where we live in a multicultural country with different races and
diverse cultures. Therefore, children need to actively ground themselves from an early age.
Only by learning to integrate with different races and cultures, can they integrate into the
diversity of Canadian culture and different lifestyles.
Through the art form of painting, children were taught a preliminary understanding of racial
discrimination. They learned how to identify discrimination in real life, and the forms and
behaviours it can take. These activities also teach children about how to deal with discrimination in real life and how to protect themselves.
在Centennial Collage 进修的艺术老师Yuki的指导下, 通过艺术形式的绘画思维引导和小游戏,孩子们初步了解了种族歧视,以及歧视可能采取的形式和行为,这些回到也教导孩子们在生活中如何反对歧视,以及如何保护自己。

The children also participated in many creative activities such as painting a large tree as a
symbol of stability and decorating a tote bag with anti-racist symbols and artwork to collect and organize their anti-discrimination creations, as well as related materials and visions for the future.

Adolescence is a critical period for the formation of individuals' cognition and values. If young people are discriminated against at this stage, it could have a profound impact on future behaviour and social perceptions. Racial discrimination exists in schools and communities across Canada, As a result, adolescents may face mental health problems, academic challenges, and social exclusion. This can further cause them to lose self-confidence and affect their development and achievements. Therefore, schools and communities should provide support and resources so that adolescents can learn how to correctly face anti-discrimination from an early age. These resources help young people feel that they are not alone and that someone can listen and help them.
青春期是个人认知和价值观形成的关键时期。 如果青少年在这一阶段受到歧视,可能会对未来的行为和社会观念产生深远影响。加拿大各地的学校和社区都存在种族歧视,因此青少年可能会面临心理健康问题、学业挑战和社会排斥。这会进一步导致他们丧失自信,影响他们的发展和成就。因此,学校和社区应提供支持和资源,让青少年从小就学会如何正确面对反歧视。
In addition, all sectors of society should also carry out extensive anti-racial discrimination
education through various channels to promote cultural integration and inclusiveness and work together to create a just and inclusive environment. Everyone should be aware of how their words and actions impact others. Only when we teach the concepts of respect and tolerance from childhood can we establish a truly equal and just society.
Most importantly, combating racial discrimination requires the efforts of the entire society.
Families, schools, governments and communities should work together to face this problem with a positive attitude and strive to create a society without discrimination so that everyone can live in equality.
What are human rights?
Human rights are rights and interests that are guaranteed by law
What is discrimination?
Discrimination is based on race, colour, sex, age, status, religion, politics, language, ancestry or national origin. Any act of being distinguished, segregated or favoured on account of social status and which has harmed or negated the above-mentioned human rights.
Human Rights Complaints Procedure
1. Request to meet with a human rights officer.
2. Briefly explain to the human rights officer the specific content of the discrimination you believe you have suffered.
3. If your complaint falls within the jurisdiction of human rights law, the human rights officer will give you a questionnaire to fill in the relevant information about the complaint.
4. When the Human Rights Officer receives your questionnaire, your complaint will be drafted in case order.
5. Your case will be registered and an assigned investigator will notify you when the complaint will be processed.
6. The respondent will also receive a copy of the charges at the same time and be required to respond to your charges in writing within three weeks.
7. The Human Rights Officer will notify you to check the respondent's answer.
8. If necessary, convene a "fact-finding meeting".
9. Under the Human Rights Act 1981, the Human Rights Commission is required to conduct a
fair investigation to determine the factual basis for the complaint.
1. 要求与人权官员会面。
2. 向人权官员简要解释您认为遭受歧视的具体内容。
3. 3. 如果您的投诉属于人权法管辖范围,人权官员会给您一份问卷,让您填写投诉的相关信息。
4. 4. 人权官员收到您的问卷后,将按照案件顺序起草您的投诉。
5. 5. 您的案件将被登记,指定的调查员将通知您何时处理投诉。
6. 6. 被告也将同时收到一份指控副本,并被要求在三周内对您的指控做出书面答复。
7. 7. 人权官员将通知您检查答辩人的答复。
8. 如有必要,召开 "事实调查会议"。
9. 根据 1981 年《人权法》,人权委员会必须进行公平调查,以确定投诉的事实依据。
9. 根据 1981 年《人权法》,人权委员会必须进行公平调查,以确定投诉的事实依据。
Other appeal channels
Legal Aid Services
Community Service Centre
Professional and business groups
How to protect your human rights
Victims should submit a formal complaint to the relevant Human Rights Commission as soon as possible. The Canadian Human Rights Commission stipulates that the time limit for accepting complaints is one year after the case occurs. If a case has been submitted to the Human Rights Commission as a registered complaint, the Human Rights Commission will still accept the case according to procedures even if the one-year appeal period has expired after the completion of other complaint procedures.
The Toronto Community & Culture Centre (TCCC) was established in 1995, and registered as a charitable organization in 1998. Since 1995, TCCC has been funding provides placement
services, social projects and senior internship programs. There are many outreach activities
organized within Canadian society. TCCC plans and hosts Canada Day celebrations, family
activities, cultural exhibitions, international job fairs, Spring Festival performances and many
outdoor activities every year. Over the years, many mainland Chinese immigrant volunteers
have participated in and helped with our services and events. TCCC helps these newcomers
gain valuable volunteer and work experience which helps them find jobs in Canada.
多伦多社区与文化中心(TCCC)成立于 1995 年,并于 1998 年注册为慈善组织。自 1995 年以来,多伦多社区与文化中心一直在资助安居服务、社会项目和青少年就业实习项目。多伦多社区与文化中心会每年都策划和主办加拿大国庆日庆祝活动、家庭活动、文化活动、春节演出等。多年来,许多中国大陆移民志愿者参与并协助我们的服务和活动。多伦多社区与文化中心帮助这些新移民获得宝贵的志愿服务和工作经验,从而帮助他们在加拿大找到工作。