Empowering Community
For A Better Tomorrow

Since 1995, TCCC has delivered immigrant newcomer settlement services, social programs, and youth internship programs. TCCC is supported by the three levels of government.
We are proud to serve the local & extended GTA community with services for newcomer support and deliver community cultural events, workshops for education, volunteer opportunities, job assistance, resource location assistance, and support for immigrant social benefits. TCCC also is grateful to distribute donations from many generous organizations to improve the overall community.
TCCC will continue to organize outreach activities, workshops, festivals, and cultural events to foster social inclusion and community empowerment.
Find out more About Us!

What We Do
1 —
Settlement Service
Orientation & Info Sessions
Connecting to Community
Cultural Events
Resource Services
2 —
Social Service
Food & Nutrition Support
Community Programming
Legal & Healthcare Services Referral
Social Well-being Workshops
3 —
Employment Support
Youth Service Canada
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Jobs & Program Referrals
Youth Employment Workshops
Years serving our community
Volunteer event participants
Events we have hosted in 2022
Community service locations
Community members helped
Upcoming Events
Our Partners
Toronto Community & Culture Centre's mission is to deliver settlement services, celebrate culture, and create inclusion in our community focusing on Chinese immigrants whether they are recent newcomers or existing immigrant residents.
TCCC works with a wide range of partners who also recognize the benefits of community development, identify community needs, and give generously to community support service providers.
TCCC is very grateful for the support from our partners, donors, business groups, and all three levels of the government.
As a charitable organization, TCCC depends on and values our supporters without whom we could not deliver valuable services to our community. Thank you!

Featured Activities

Supporting Youth & Seniors
We have been working hard over many years to create different volunteer opportunities for youth and seniors so they may gain valuable experience, we help in assisting with job placement, and we recognized our volunteers with awards ceremonies, leading to our members' first jobs in Canada.

Community Workshops
Our workshops take the initiative to connect people to resources, information, and facilities from the broader community and external institutions.
Our workshops have helped 1000's of Chinese immigrants understand how to Stay Safe, Avoid Fraud, Learn Skills, Connections for Seniors, and Adult & Older Adult Health, just to name a few.

Canada Day Celebration
Over 500 attendees gathered at this past Canada Day 2022 event. Special thanks to the Government of Canada and TD Bank for supporting such a successful, fun, food-filled celebration. We gratefully acknowledge the generous donations from supporting members and organizations in the community.
Thank You!