Meaningful Work

How to Prevent Financial Fraud & Social Media Fraud
The workshop about fraud prevention, how to protect yourself from fraud, the use of mobile phones, WeChat and the use of mobile phone cameras. The workshop was co-organized by Toronto Community and Cultural Centre, Canadian Multicultural Art Exchange Association and North American Microtoutiao at 1650 Finch Ave on September 9.
120 elderly who participated in the two lectures came from different communities. Toronto City Councillor Shelley Carroll also came to visit the elderly.
9月9日由多伦多社区与文化中心、加拿大多元文化艺术交流协会和北美微头条在1650 Finch Ave共同举办的预防诈骗、如何保护自己不被欺诈及手机微信的使用和手机相机的修图使用等。

Supporting Community
Building Community
Feeling like there are countless pressing issues that no single program could make a marked difference? Our Local Community Workshops take the initiative and have proven to be a powerful tool for Toronto Community & Culture Centre
多倫多社區與文化中心 We successfully serve our community and improve countless lives.
感觉有无数紧迫的问题,没有一个程序可以产生显着的差异? 我们的当地社区研讨会采取主动,并已被证明是多伦多社区和文化中心的强大工具
多伦多社区与文化中心 我们成功地服务于我们的社区,改善了无数人的生活。

Change for the Better
Through continually improving our Workshop Programs, we have the potential to make substantial real and positive changes in the lives of the Toronto Mandarin Community throughout the GTA. This is one of our key areas of focus here at TCCC
多倫多社區與文化中心, and a source of much success for our Charitable Organization.
通过不断改进我们的工作坊计划,我们有可能在整个 GTA 中对多伦多华语社区的生活做出重大而积极的改变。 这是我们在 TCCC 的重点关注领域之一

Transforming Lives
Every challenge is an opportunity. Our Wellbeing Development initiatives help the Mandarin community and the community at large. TCCC
多倫多社區與文化中心 supports those we serve in many ways. Outdoor events, music, dance, speakers, support workshops, settlement guidance, youth employment, food, and socializing.
We have a focus on the Asian Communities in Toronto to ensure better financial concerns, service direction, mental health & well-being, and social engagement.
每一个挑战都是一个机会。 我们的福利发展计划帮助普通话社区和整个社区。 台积电
多伦多社区与文化中心以多种方式支持我们所服务的人。 户外活动、音乐、舞蹈、演讲者、支持研讨会、安置指导、青年就业、食物和社交。