Photo by Toronto Community & Culture Centre (Jeff C.)
Immigrants of Chinese descent should not be discriminated against or experience violence and should avoid quarrels, leave the area immediately and report the act to the police immediately
Release: 2022-6-11 Source: Ming Pao News.com (translated by Google – with edits to correct) http://www.mingshengbao.com/tor/article.php?aid=825922

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Toronto police detective Miao Yanjian explained to Chinese immigrants yesterday morning how to protect themselves from discriminatory violence. (Photo by Ming Pao reporter)
[Ming Pao News] Retired Chinese detective Miao Yanjian of the Toronto Police Force pointed out yesterday (10th June 2022) that when Chinese immigrants encounter racial discrimination and violence in Canada, they must call the police. The police's hate crimes unit will investigate racial discrimination crimes involving violence.

(Photo by Ming Pao reporter) The Toronto Community and Cultural Centre has received funding from the federal government and the Ontario government and has started a series of activities "Against Discrimination, Start with You and Me" yesterday (10th). The first event was a lecture on "How to protect yourself when you are subjected to discriminatory violence". The retired Toronto police detective Miao Yanjian was invited to be the keynote speaker to explain the issues surrounding discriminatory violence against Chinese immigrants. How to protect yourself and keep knowledge in times of violence. Zhong Xinsheng, executive director of the Toronto Community and Cultural Centre, said that during the new coronavirus epidemic, acts and crimes of racial discrimination and hatred against Asian immigrants have increased significantly, which has had an extremely negative impact on the Chinese community in Canada. In order to let people in the Chinese community, especially new immigrants, understand how to protect their rights when they encounter racial discrimination, the center specially invited Miao Yanjian, a retired Toronto police detective of Chinese origin, to explain relevant knowledge to everyone. Miao Yanjian pointed out that when people encounter racially discriminatory remarks, the best way to deal with it is to avoid debating and arguing with others on the spot, and should leave the scene immediately, but the relevant situation can be recorded. He said: "Sometimes, people hear other people say some ugly things, but it is not necessarily racially discriminatory. Therefore, people need to be screened. In this case, they don't need to call the police." But Miao Yanjian emphasized: " If you encounter violence, be sure to call 911. To protect yourself, you should leave immediately. You can take pictures of the other party’s license plate number and other information so that the police can investigate.” In addition to holding the above-mentioned lectures, the Toronto Community and Cultural Centre also a lecture on "Canada's Human Rights Charter and Non-Discrimination Policy" will be held this morning (11th).
