Starting November 7th, we have a contact organization that will be running a Skills Education Training (SET) program with a focus on training in Metal Roofing.
This is a free program for York Region Residents and will run full-time, Monday to Friday for four weeks.
Introduction to Metal Roofing
The focus of the program is to give participants the skills to gain employment. Participants will be given hands-on training, industry certifications, and soft skills training. Our contact organization is working with an employer to provide instruction for this course and as a result, will have direct connections to jobs for participants following the completion of the program.
As part of the course, participants will be provided with PPE and some basic tools. We also have transportation support available.
从 11 月 7 日开始,我们有一个联系组织将运行技能教育培训 (SET) 计划,重点是金属屋面培训。
该计划的重点是为参与者提供获得就业的技能。 参与者将获得实践培训、行业认证和软技能培训。 我们的联系组织正在与雇主合作,为本课程提供指导,因此,在课程完成后,将与参与者的工作有直接联系。
作为课程的一部分,将为参与者提供个人防护装备和一些基本工具。 我们还提供交通支持。
申请请在网站上注册 https://www.gtti.ca/